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Configure Data Collection

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This documentation applies to a deprecated product. Chef Automate includes newer out-of-the-box compliance profiles, an improved compliance scanner with total cloud scanning functionality, better visualizations, role-based access control and many other features. Chef Automate is included as part of the Workflow license agreement and is available via subscription.

Automatic Node Run Data Collection with Chef Infra Server


Requires Chef Client 12.16.42 or greater, and Chef Server 12.11.0 or greater.

Nodes can send their run data to Chef Automate through the Chef Infra Server automatically. To enable this functionality, you must perform the following steps:

Multiple Chef Servers can send data to a single Chef Automate server.

Step 1: Configure a Data Collector token in Chef Automate

All messages sent to Chef Automate are performed over HTTP and are authenticated with a pre-shared key called a token. Every Chef Automate installation configures a token by default, but we strongly recommend that you create your own.


The Data Collector token has no minimum or maximum character length restrictions. While the UTF-8 character set is supported, US-ASCII is recommended for best results.

To set your own token, add the following to your /etc/delivery/delivery.rb file:

data_collector['token'] = 'sometokenvalue'
# Save and close the file

To apply the changes, run:

sudo automate-ctl reconfigure

If you do not configure a token, the default token value is: 93a49a4f2482c64126f7b6015e6b0f30284287ee4054ff8807fb63d9cbd1c506

Step 2: Configure your Chef Infra Server to point to Chef Automate

In addition to forwarding Chef run data to Automate, Chef Infra Server will send messages to Chef Automate whenever an action is taken on a Chef Infra Server object, such as when a cookbook is uploaded to the Chef Infra Server or when a user edits a role.


If running Chef Client releases prior to Chef Client 14, please disable the Ohai Passwd and Sessions plugins on your nodes in /etc/chef/client.rb or using the Chef Infra Client cookbook to keep the data sent to your Automate system to a minimum. This improves search performance and reduces disk space requirements.
ohai.disabled_plugins = [ :Passwd, :Sessions ]

Ohai Plugin Detail

Setting up data collection on Chef Server versions 12.14 and higher

Channel the token setting through the veil secrets library because the token is considered a secret, and cannot appear in /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb:

sudo chef-server-ctl set-secret data_collector token 'TOKEN'
sudo chef-server-ctl restart nginx
sudo chef-server-ctl restart opscode-erchef

Then add the following setting to /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb on the Chef Infra Server:

data_collector['root_url'] = ''
# Add for compliance scanning
profiles['root_url'] = ''
# Save and close the file

To apply the changes, run:

chef-server-ctl reconfigure

where is the fully-qualified domain name of your Chef Automate server.

Setting up data collection on Chef Server versions 12.13 and lower

On versions 12.13 and prior, simply add the 'root_url' and token values in /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb:

data_collector['root_url'] = ''
data_collector['token'] = 'TOKEN'
# Add for compliance scanning
profiles['root_url'] = ''
# Save and close the file

To apply the changes, run:

chef-server-ctl reconfigure

where is the fully-qualified domain name of your Chef Automate server, and TOKEN is either the default value or the token value you configured in the prior section.

Additional options

data_collector['timeout']Timeout in milliseconds to abort an attempt to send a message to the Chef Automate server.Default: 30000.
data_collector['http_init_count']Number of Chef Automate HTTP workers Chef Infra Server should start.Default: 25.
data_collector['http_max_count']Maximum number of Chef Automate HTTP workers Chef Infra Server should allow to exist at any time.Default: 100.
data_collector['http_max_age']Maximum age a Chef Automate HTTP worker should be allowed to live, specified as an Erlang tuple.Default: {70, sec}.
data_collector['http_cull_interval']How often Chef Infra Server should cull aged-out Chef Automate HTTP workers that have exceeded their http_max_age, specified as an Erlang tuple.Default: {1, min}.
data_collector['http_max_connection_duration']Maximum duration an HTTP connection is allowed to exist before it is terminated, specified as an Erlang tuple.Default: {70, sec}.

Use an external Elasticsearch cluster (optional)

Chef Automate uses Elasticsearch to store its data, and the default Chef Automate install includes a single Elasticsearch service. This is sufficient to run production workloads; however, for greater data retention, we recommend using a multi-node Elasticsearch cluster with replication and sharding to store and protect your data.

As of Automate 1.7.114, the compliance service uses a compliance-latest Elasticsearch index to improves the performance of the reporting APIs at scale. Automate creates this index automatically as part of the upgrade to Automate 1.7.114. The index is updated with each new compliance report. If the compliance-latest Elasticsearch index becomes out of sync with the time-series data, it can be regenerated using the automate-ctl migrate-compliance subcommand. For more information, see migrate-compliance.


  • Chef Automate server
  • Elasticsearch (version 2.4.1 or greater; version 5.x is required for Chef Automate 1.6 and above)

Elasticsearch configuration

To utilize an external Elasticsearch installation, set the following configuration option in your /etc/delivery/delivery.rb:

elasticsearch['urls'] = ['']

Or for a three node on premise install

elasticsearch['urls'] = ['', '', '']

The elasticsearch['urls'] attribute should be an array of Elasticsearch nodes over which Chef Automate will round-robin requests. You can also supply a single entry which corresponds to a load-balancer or a third-party Elasticsearch-as-a-service offering.

After saving the file, run sudo automate-ctl reconfigure.

An additional Elasticsearch option is elasticsearch['host_header']. This is the HTTP Host header to send with the request. When this attribute is unspecified, the default behavior is as follows:

  • If the urls parameter contains a single entry, the host of the supplied URI will be sent as the Host header.
  • If the urls parameter contains more than one entry, no Host header will be sent.

When this attribute is specified, the supplied string will be sent as the Host header on all requests. This may be required for some third-party Elasticsearch offerings.

Troubleshooting: My data does not show up in the UI

If an organization does not have any nodes associated with it, it does not show up in the Nodes section of the Chef Automate UI. This is also true for roles, cookbooks, recipes, attributes, resources, node names, and environments. Only those items that have a node associated with them will appear in the UI. Chef Automate has all the data for all of these, but does not highlight them in the UI. This is designed to keep the UI focused on the nodes in your cluster.

Next Steps