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aws_ecr_repositories resource

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Use the aws_ecr_repositories InSpec audit resource to test the properties of all repositories in an AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR). This resource is available in InSpec AWS resource pack version 1.11.0 onwards.


An aws_ecr_repositories resource block declares the tests for all AWS ECR repositories in the default registry unless the registry ID is provided.

describe aws_ecr_repositories do
  it { should exist }

Repositories in a non-default registry can be tested by supplying the registry ID if the AWS user has necessary permissions on it.

describe aws_ecr_repositories(registry_id: '123456789012') do
  it { should exist }


The registry id is optional.

registry_id (optional)

The 12-digit ID of the AWS Elastic Container Registry. If not provided, the default registry is assumed.


arnsThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the repository.
namesThe name of the repository.
urisThe URI for the repository.
created_at_datesThe date and time, in JavaScript date format, when the repository was created.
image_tag_mutability_statusThe tag mutability setting for the repository.
image_scanning_on_push_statusThe setting that determines whether images are scanned after being pushed to a repository.


Ensure that there are exactly 3 repositories in the default registry

describe aws_ecr_repositories do
  its("count") { should cmp 3 }

Use this InSpec resource to request the names of all repositories, then test in-depth using aws_ecr_repository.

aws_ecr_repositories.names.each do |repository_name|
  describe aws_ecr_repository(repository_name) do
    its('image_tag_mutability') { should eq 'MUTABLE' }


For a full list of available matchers, please visit our Universal Matchers page.


The control will pass if the describe returns at least one result.

Use should_not to test the entity should not exist.

describe aws_ecr_repositories.where( <property>: <value>) do
  it { should exist }

describe aws_ecr_repositories.where( <property>: <value>) do
  it { should_not exist }

AWS Permissions

Your Principal will need the ecr:DescribeRepositories action set to allow.

You can find detailed documentation at Actions, Resources, and Condition Keys for Amazon ECR, and Actions, Resources, and Condition Keys for Identity And Access Management.